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Through the Eyes of a Parent

We would like to get to know your child as well as we can before school begins. Filling out this form will help us understand and teach your child better. 

Please take a few minutes to fill out this information sheet.

Through the Eyes of a Parent

Kindergarten Disclosure

A school disclosure statement will allow you to see the Kindergarten Discipline Plan,  homework & classwork policy, digital citizenship and media release form. 

Please take a few minutes to become acquainted with the Kindergarten Disclosure.

Disclosure - WEST JORDAN
Disclosure - SOUTH JORDAN

Donation List

We have been very fortunate to have parents who have been willing to donate to our classrooms.  When looking at this list, please only donate what you would like.  Any items that you would like to get off this list is greatly appreciated.  

If possible, we would like every child to bring in a child size, over the ear headphones, with jack, placed into a gallon sized Ziploc bag.  Please write your child's name on the bag before bringing it to your child's classroom.

The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis.

Monetary Donation: If you would like to make a monetary donation instead of purchasing items, you may donate funds to the front office.  Please inform the office which grade your child is registered for.

Donation List -
Combes AM / PM

Donation List -
McLachlan Full Day

Donation List -
South Jordan
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