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Kim Leonard

Kim Leonard

6th Grade ELA

I love teaching at Hawthorn Academy! I taught second grade when I first came to Hawthorn Academy. I learned a lot from those students. They are so full of life and love to learn!

My first memory of teaching is teaching myself how to tie my shoes when I was about five. Then, when I was in about fifth grade, I taught my brother how to ride a bike. That was when I knew I wanted to be a teacher.  I earned my Bachelors from the University of Utah and my Masters from the University of Phoenix.

I am the grandma to two beautiful granddaughters and mom to four wonderful children. I have two daughters, two sons, one daughter-in-law and a husband. They keep me going. We love getting together to play games, travel, go boating, camping, watch movies and be in the mountains. My life is crazy sometimes with all that is going on but I love it!

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